• Curriculum Vitae
    Pete Klenow


    Contact Info

    Department of Economics
    Stanford University
    Stanford, CA 94305-6072



    Bachelor of Science, University of California at Berkeley, 1986 
    Ph.D in Economics, Stanford University, 1991 



    2003-present: Professor, Department of Economics, Stanford University.
    2000-2003: Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
    1995-2000: Associate Professor, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago.
    1991-1995: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago.


    Refereed Publications

    "The Allocation of Talent and U.S. Economic Growth" with Chang-Tai Hsieh, Erik Hurst and Chad Jones, Econometrica. 87, September 2023, 1439-1474.

    "How Destructive is Innovation?" with Daniel Garcia-Macia and Chang-Tai Hsieh, Econometrica 87, September 2023, 1507-1541.

    "Missing Growth from Creative Destruction" with Philippe Aghion, Antonin Bergeaud, Timo Boppart, and Huiyu Li, American Economic Review 109, August 2023, 2795-2822. Appendix

    "Resurrecting the Role of the Product Market Wedge in Recessions" with Mark Bils and Ben Malin, American Economic Review 108, April 2018, 1118-1146.  Appendix

    "Beyond GDP? Welfare across Countries and Time" with Chad Jones, American Economic Review 106, September 2016, 2426-2457.  Appendix  Dataset

    "Real Rigidities and Nominal Price Changes" with Jon Willis, Economica 83, July 2016, 443-472.

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    "India’s Mysterious Manufacturing Miracle" with Albert Bollard and Gunjan Sharma, Review of Economic Dynamics 16, January 2013, 59-85.

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    "Development Accounting" with Chang-Tai Hsieh, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 2, January 2010, 207-223.

    "Misallocation and Manufacturing TFP in China and India" with Chang-Tai Hsieh, Quarterly Journal of Economics 124, November 2009, 1403-1448.  Formula Corrections: Appendix

    "State-Dependent or Time-Dependent Pricing: Does It Matter for Recent U.S. Inflation?" with Oleksiy Kryvtsov, Quarterly Journal of Economics 123, August 2008, 863-904. Appendices:  Frequencies  Parameters

    "Sticky Information and Sticky Prices" with Jon Willis, Journal of Monetary Economics 54, September 2007, 79-99.

    "Relative Prices and Relative Prosperity" with Chang-Tai Hsieh, American Economic Review 97, June 2007, 562-585.

    "The Variety and Quality of a Nation's Exports" with David Hummels, American Economic Review 95, June 2005, 704-723.

    "Some Evidence on the Importance of Sticky Prices" with Mark Bils, Journal of Political Economy 112, October 2004, 947-985.  Data: 电脑ssr软件

    "Evidence on Learning and Network Externalities in the Diffusion of Home Computers" with Austan Goolsbee, Journal of Law & Economics 45, October 2002, 317-344.

    "Quantifying Quality Growth" with Mark Bils, American Economic Review 91, September 2001, 1006-1030.

    "Does Schooling Cause Growth?" with Mark Bils, American Economic Review 90, December 2000, 1160-1183.

    "Ideas vs. Rival Human Capital: Industry Evidence on Growth Models," Journal of Monetary Economics 42, August 1998, 3-24.

    "Using Consumer Theory to Test Competing Business Cycle Models" with Mark Bils, Journal of Political Economy 106, April 1998, 233-261.  Data: Tables 1-3

    "Learning Curves and the Cyclical Behavior of Manufacturing Industries," Review of Economic Dynamics 1, April 1998, 531-550.

    "High-Tech R&D Subsidies: Estimating the Effects of Sematech" with Douglas A. Irwin,怎样在电脑上下载手游阴阳师:2021-6-15 · 怎样在电脑上下载 手游阴阳师相关资料 阴阳师手游新手快速升级攻略 阴阳师手游新手快速升级攻略,在游戏中很多玩家发现别人都已经20多级了,自己才5、6级,那么要怎么升级快呢?下面就跟随游民小编一起来了解一下吧。阴阳师手游新手快速 ... 40, May 1996, 323-344.

    "Learning by Doing Spillovers in the Semiconductor Industry" with Douglas A. Irwin, Journal of Political Economy 102, December 1994, 1200-1227.

    Other Publications

    Trading Off Consumption and COVID-19 Deaths, with Robert E. Hall and Charles I. Jones, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review 42, June 2023.  Slides

    "Innovative Growth Accounting" with Huiyu Li, forthcoming in the 电脑ssr软件, June 2023.   Slides

    "Internet Rising, Prices Falling: Measuring Inflation in a World of e-Commerce" with Austan Goolsbee, 阴阳师电脑版怎么下载:2021-1-6 · 阴阳师是一款非常热门的和风风格的手游,很多玩家都想知道阴阳师这款游戏在电脑上怎么下载来玩,下面就由小编来告诉大家阴阳师电脑版的下载方法是什么。 108, May 2018, 488-492.  LONGER VERSION

    "The Reallocation Myth" with Chang-Tai Hsieh, September 2017, for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Symposium on “Fostering a Dynamic Global Economy.”  Gita Gopinath’s discussion  John Haltiwanger’s comments  电脑ssr软件

    "Testing for Keynesian Labor Demand" with Mark Bils and Benjamin Malin, Shadowsocks/SS客户端下载 影梭ssr-米铺网:2021-1-8 · ShadowsocksR(SSR)客户端请到这个页面下载:ShadowsocksR/SSR 客户端,V2Ray客户端请到这个页面下载:V2Ray客户端。 标签:Shadowsocks SS客户端 下载 影梭 影梭ssr 分享到: 赞(4) 打赏 生成海报 上一篇 优酷视频 v7.9.1.1060 去广告绿色版优酷TV ..., D. Acemoglu, J. Parker and M. Woodford ed., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 311-349.

    "Microeconomic Evidence on Price-Setting" with Benjamin Malin, in the Handbook of Monetary Economics 3A, B. Friedman and M. Woodford ed.: Elsevier, 2011, 231-284.

    "Endogenous Variety and the Gains from Trade" with Costas Arkolakis, Svetlana Demidova, and Andrés Rodríguez-Clare, 阴阳师:百闻牌电脑版下载_电脑玩阴阳师:百闻牌模拟器 ...:2021-5-19 · 安卓模拟器上玩阴阳师:百闻牌手游电脑版的方法 方法1.点击“下载电脑版”可伍同时下载安卓模拟器和APK文件,安装完成即可启动安卓模拟器。 方法2.如果已经安装夜神模拟器,可伍在本页面点击“下载APK”;下载完成后直接拖进模拟器,即可自动解析安装。 98, May 2008, 444-450.

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    "Externalities and Growth" with Andrés Rodríguez-Clare, Handbook of Economic Growth, volume 1A, P. Aghion and S. Durlauf, eds., 2005, 817-861 (chapter 11). Data: Panel

    "Sticky Prices and Monetary Policy Shocks" with Mark Bils and Oleksiy Kryvtsov, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, Winter 2003, 2-9.

    "Measuring Consumption Growth: The Impact of New and Better Products," Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, Winter 2003, 10-23.

    "The Acceleration in Variety Growth" with Mark Bils, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 91, May 2001, 274-280.

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    "Industry Innovation: Where and Why," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 44, June 1996, 125-150.

    "Sematech: Purpose and Performance" with Douglas A. Irwin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93, November 1996, 12739-42.

    "The Importance of Federal Reserve Credibility: Evidence from the Taylor Model," in Evaluating Policy Regimes, R. Bryant, P. Hooper, and C. Mann ed. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1993, 475-93.

    Comments and Special Presentations

    Sir Richard Stone Lecture on "Firms and Growth", University of Cambridge, May 2023.  Video and interview

    On “Misallocation Measures: The Distortion that Ate the Residual” by John Haltiwanger, Robert Kulick, and Chad Syverson, February 2018.

    Kuznets Lectures on "Firms and Growth", Yale University, April 2017.

    "Misallocation and Productivity", September 2012 talk at the Symposium on Growth and Development, Stockholm, Sweden.

    On “Why Doesn’t Capitalism Flow to Poor Countries?” by Rafael Di Tella and Robert MacCulloch, in the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2009, 326-329.  SLIDES

    On “Big Answers for Big Questions: The Presumption of Growth Policy” by Abhijit Banerjee, in What Works in Development? Thinking Big and Thinking Small, J. Cohen and W. Easterly ed. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2009, 222-226.  SLIDES

    "Income Differences Across Countries", July 2006 (plenary talk at the ssr电脑版下载 annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia).

    On "It's Not Factor Accumulation: Stylized Facts and Growth Models,” by Easterly and Levine, World Bank Economic Review 15, 2001, 221-224.

    On "Stronger Protection or Technological Revolution: What is Behind the Recent Surge in Patenting?” by Kortum and Lerner,SSR Windows电脑客户端下载和使用教程-筑爱网:2021-6-1 · SSR Windows客户端安装及运行 下载完成后,解压,然后后运行ShadowsocksR-dotnet2.0.exe 或 ShadowsocksR-dotnet4.0.exe 即可。下载pac.txt 下载上面链接中的文件pac.txt ,将其放到上图中,与小飞机一个文件夹即可。电脑下载ssr

    On "Measuring Inflation and Real Growth” by Jack Triplett, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 79, May/June 1997, 43-46.

    Working Papers

    "Assessing the Gains from E-Commerce" with Paul Dolfen, Liran Einav, Benjamin Klopack, Jon Levin, Larry Levin and Wayne Best, May 2023.  Slides  Appendix

    "Misallocation or Mismeasurement?" with Mark Bils and Cian Ruane, January 2023.  Slides

    “A Theory of Falling Growth and Rising Rents” with Philippe Aghion, Antonin Bergeaud, Timo Boppart, and Huiyu Li, November 2023.  Slides  Appendix

    "A Global View of Creative Destruction" with Chang-Tai Hsieh and Ishan Nath, November 2023.  Slides

    "The Intensive Margin in Trade: How Big and How Important?" with Ana M. Fernandes, Sergii Meleshchuk, Martha Denisse Pierola, and Andrés Rodríguez-Clare, October 2023.  Appendix

    Fallow Working Papers

    "Entry Costs Rise with Development" with Albert Bollard and Huiyu Li, June 2016.

    "Human Capital Policy" with James J. Heckman, 1997.

    "Quantifying Variety Gains from Trade Liberalization" with Andrés Rodríguez-Clare, 1997.

    Professional Activities

    Gordon and Betty Moore Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, 2006-present

    Dong Wei Faculty Fellow, Stanford King Center on Global Development, 2018-2023

    ·Â Â Â Â Â Â  Co-Director with Mark Gertler of the Economic Fluctuations and Growth Program, 2013-present

    ·ssr 下载Co-organizer with Chad Jones of the NBER group on Economic Growth, 2000-2016

    IGM Booth Economic Experts Panel, 2011-present

    Intergovernmental Personnel Assignment, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2001-2015sie

    U.S. Census Bureau Special Sworn Status Researcher, 2015-present

    Visiting Scholar / Research Associate:

    ·Â Â Â Â Â Â  Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2005-present

    ·Â Â Â Â Â Â  Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 1994-1999, 2003-2004, 2006, 2009-present

    ·Â Â Â Â Â Â  Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 2004-2006

    ·Â Â Â Â Â Â  Center for the Advanced Study in Economic Efficiency, 2010-present

    Co-Editor, AER:Insights, 2017-present

    Associate Editor:

    ·Â Â Â Â Â Â  Journal of Political Economy, 2016-2017

    ·Â Â Â Â Â Â  ssr电脑版下载, 2012-2017

    ·Â Â Â Â Â Â  Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2008-2014

    ·Â Â Â Â Â Â  Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2008-2010

    ·Â Â Â Â Â Â  American Economic Review, 2000-2006

    ·Â Â Â Â Â Â  Review of Economic Dynamics, 2000-2005

    ·Â Â Â Â Â Â  The B.E. Journal in Macroeconomics, 2000-2005

    Macroeconomics Program Director, 恋与制作人李泽言ssr级瞬息怎么得?ssr级瞬息获取途径 ...:1 天前 · 恋与制作人系列软件最新版本下载 恋与制作人电脑版 软件版本:1.7.0516 手游电脑版 立即查看 恋与制作人 软件版本:1.12.0521 iOS游戏 立即查看 恋与 ..., 2009

    Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Harvard University, Fall 2008

    Microeconomics of Growth Advisory Board, World Bank, 2006-2007

    Grants and Awards

    Landau Professor, Department of Economics, Stanford University, 2003-present

    Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Economics, Stanford University, 2023

    Stone Lecture at the University of Cambridge, 2023

    Kuznets Lecture at Yale University, 2017

    National Science Foundation grant for "The Welfare Effects of E-Commerce and Entry in U.S. Retail,” with Liran Einav and Jon Levin, 2017-2023

    Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2015-present

    Fellow of the Econometric Society, 2014-present

    American Economic Review Excellence in Refereeing Awards, 2011 and 2013

    Quarterly Journal of Economics Excellence in Refereeing Award, 2012

    Faculty Teaching Award, Department of Economics, Stanford University, 2010

    Kauffman Foundation Grant, 2007-2009

    MBA Teaching Award, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, 1999

    National Science Foundation grant for "Innovation and Business Cycles,” 1993-1995

    Executive MBA Teaching Award, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, 1993

    Sloan Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1990-1991

    Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Economics, Stanford University, 1989



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